No Stress Accounting & Tax Services
Phone | 916-597-0829 |
Address | No Stress Accounting and Tax Services, 2628 El Camino Ave, B-2, Sacramento, CA, 95821 | |
How We Do Our Work:
We start with auditing. We gather information about the company from the following categories:
- Industry - We use our own experience and knowledge in a specific industry and combine it with a company’s current situation. By doing this we have the possibility to find ways to improve the company’s financial standing, and our experience gives us the skills to do it fast and simply.
- Reality of Company’s Status - We analyze the realities of the company’s activities and look into the ways we could improve the situation
- Owner’s Expectations - We take note of an owner’s understanding of a company’s current situation, compare it with what we see in the company’s financial and tax statements, and make a plan on how to reach the desired outcome for the company
- Bank Expectations - We make a system that will be easy to understand by banks and loan officers.
- Government Agencies - Through our financial system, we make it possible to find ways for tax optimization (reduced tax), and we make our finance reports easy to understand by the taxpayer and government agencies.
These categories work for all of the industries, except for the transportation business. For the trucking business we make sure to add the 4th category:
- Safety - We go over the company’s safety policy and give our expert’s advice on improving it. We work with many transportation companies, so we have an understanding of what works best and how to do it; therefore, we are happy to share this information with our clients.
Continuing the topic of the transportation industry, it should be mentioned, that our services have helped many owners raise profit of their company just by using our services and experience. We organize the accounting system for them in a way, that it becomes possible to measure next indicators:
- Cost per mile - now you’ll know if the round trip will be profitable for your company, BEFORE you send your truck for the first pick up
- Income and Expense per truck
- Income and expense for office/shop
These indicators give an opportunity to make decisions, of forgoing loss-making trips or trucks, before even accepting or starting the trip. They start to influence the company's financial position, which does wonders for the company’s profitability.
The Advantages of Using Our Services:
- Your every transaction is going to be written down by a professional bookkeeper
- Your financial information is going to be measured, processed, and reviewed by a professional accountant
- Your financial statements will be understood by owners, banks, and governmental authorities (IRS, TAX, FTB)
- You’ll have our support for as long as you need